FreePiano is a opensource software that can let you play music with your computer keyboard.

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Features of FreePiano:
- Completely free, you do not need to purchase to use all the features.
- Using VSTi, you don’t need to install a virtual MIDI device.
- Support a variety of audio output, including DirectSound, WASAPI and ASIO.
- You can define any key on the keyboard and display functions.
- Multi sets of keyboard layout can be switched anytime during play.
- Export your song to mp4 directly.
2015-05-09 Freepiano 2.2.2
- MID file can be opened directly in freepiano.
- Fix a bug that output type did not save correctly on 64bit version.
- Fix a crash bug when using some VST plugins when exit.
2014-03-14 Freepiano 2.2.1
- Show detailed error when failed to load VST plugin.
- Adds a null audio output.
- Displays note first in muti-bind commands.
- Fixed a bug in LYT key map.
- Fixed a bug that sequence label did not saved in fpm file.
- Adds lots of demo songs.
2014-03-06 Freepiano 2.2
- New ‘Sequence’ command.
- Support both sharp and flat modifier on notes.
- Export ‘mid’ file is now supported.
- New ‘SendKey’ command, smuliates key press to another program.
Adds a preset to control windows default photo viewer pages. - New ‘Menu’ command, activates main menu on keyboard.
- New ‘Release’ value change modifier, restores to current value before any key is released.
Adds a preset to simulate sustain pedal. - New ‘ChannelVolume’ and ‘ChannelPan’ command.
- ‘Pitch’ command now takes a ‘Smooth’ value modifier.
- New ‘Loop’ option on playback setting.
- New ‘Fullscreen when maximized’ option on GUI setting.
- Can reset to default layout in other key signatures (No transpose).
- Random velocity option is now saved.
Displays subfolders in keymap menu.
- Fixed a bug on input channel select setting.
2013-11-18 Freepiano 2.1.1
- Fixed a bug that ASIO driver can not load.
- Fixed a crash bug when check new version failed.
- Fixed a spelling mistake in config dialog.
2013-11-01 Freepiano 2.1
- New lock mouse command, can use mouse as sustain pedal.
- New Fluidsynth SF2 synthesizer plugin.
- New background mode.
- New Mini mode, displays caption only.
- Change transpose to key signature on piano panel.
- Fixed a bug that MIDI input is not recorded.
- Fixed a bug that select input channel does not work.
- VSTi plug-in compatibility fixes.
2013-09-28 Freepiano 2.0
- New user interface.
- New Execlusive mode when using WASAPI output.
- Supports sync confiuation with ASIO driver.
- Fixed compatibility of VST plug-ins.
- Can change playback time in playback setting.
- New music score can remember notes you played when displayed.
- Adds a metronome.
- New plug-in architecture, you can implement your own exporter.
- Random velocity simulation, can add a random velocity when a key is pressed.
2013-06-27 FreePiano 1.8
- Raw MIDI message support, with ‘MIDI’ command you can send at most 3 hex digitals as a midi message. all other script commands are nolonger MIDI signals.
- All script commands works correct with all value operators now, including ‘Sync’ and ‘Press’ modifier.
- Supports at most 16 input channels, which are then mapped to 16 MIDI output MIDI channels.
- Adds a ‘Follow key’ option on input channels, which can control a input channel not to follow current key signature.
- Adds a ‘Bank’ option on output channels, which equals midi controller 0.
- Optimized key popup settings dialog and settings dialog.
- Optimized main screen refresh, freepiano uses less GPU now.
- Preset menu now support groups, adds a lot of preset scripts in common use.
- Language can be changed correctly on windows XP.
- Localized script support.
- Keyboard color support, and you can display note names as ‘C D E F G A B’ now.
- A new ‘WAV’ file exportor.
- New update notification.
- Fixed a bug that notes will lower an octave when copy group key maps.
2013-05-24 FreePiano 1.7
- Play settings page, can change midi output channel and voice.
- New Set1 and Set10 modifier, can change value by mask 1 or 10.
- Adds a transpose command which can transpose notes on each channel.
Adds two presets that sharp on left or right hand. - Force bindings scripts on popup-menu use selected key.
Make it easy to copy key scripts without modify key name. - Optimized script display, easier to find which param is channel.
- Change ‘increase, decrease’ group to ‘add, insert, delete’ group.
- Transparency of main window can be changed in GUI settings.
- Adds playback speed in audio settings page.
- Fixed a bug that keymap editor will eat the last character.
- Fixed a bug that freepiano uses C5 as middle C.
- Fixed a bug that song recorded wrong group when starting group is not 0.
- Fixed a bug that volume is not used when exporting MP4.
2013-2-6 FreePiano 1.6
- New popup key modify menu, with quick script edit.
- Adds fixed-doh display mode.
- Adds keyboard animation, can be changed in gui settings.
- Adds a ‘Sync’ modifier on controller command, combined use with other modifiers.
For example ‘SyncPress’ will do a ‘Press’ control after playing next note. - Fixed a bug that keyboard map script editor still has a length limit.
2013-1-28 FreePiano 1.5.2
- Fixed a bug that some configuration can not be saved.
- The length of keyboard map script now has no limit.
- Adds a ‘Press’ modifier on Controller command,
which can temporary change controller value then change it back after 20ms.
2013-1-21 FreePiano 1.5.1
- Fixed a bug that freepiano 1.5 can not run on windows XP.
2013-1-14 FreePiano 1.5
- Multiply MIDI input device and remap of midi input channel is now supported.
- MIDI output is now as instruments and can be selected in instrument menu.
- Change keyboard hook method to make anti-virus software happy.
- MIDI input velocity no longer adjusted by key velocity option.
- Fixed a bug that preset controllers menu not clear previous key mapping.
- Fixed a bug that noteoff not handled for some midi keyboard.
- Fixed a bug that keyup bind did not work.
2012-10-16 FreePiano 1.4.1
- When using MIDI keyboard, you can also use KEY, VELOCITY and OCTSHIFT on the main screen.
- Adds a option that can display original key or transcribed key.
2012-10-8 FreePiano 1.4
- Fixed language mistake on song info page.
Fixed a bug that negative number can not be loaded correctly in config files.
- Maximum key groups increased to 255.
- Current key group is now displayed on main interface.
- Localization on main interface.
- “DelayKeyup” command change during playing will affect notes current playing.
Acts more like Sustain pedal now. - Allows more than one command mapped to a single key.
2012-4-25 FreePiano 1.3
- Fixed a bug that volume and output buffer size can’t be saved.
Fixed a bug that unable to read midi controller message.
- Adds English language support.
- Adds Chinese key label support.
- Main volume can changed up to 200%.
- Keyboard map for FlashPiano layout is changed to display key names.
- Adds MP4 video file export.
2011-6-26 FreePiano 1.2
- Fixed a bug that midi events not recorded.
- Fixed a bug that mapping some controls to some key may not work.
- Fixed a but that program crashes when loading some VST plugin.
- New extension for MIDI controller message, Add, Sub, Flip can be used in MIDI controller message.
- New extension for MIDI program change message, same as controller message.
- Programs, controller values can be save to group settings.
2011-5-26 FreePiano 1.1
- Fixed noise may occur when playing.
- Fixed VST plugin path save error.
- Fixed high CPU usage bug when minimized.
Fixed set channel BUG in the right-click menu.
- Optimized keymap GUI.
- Adds play speed control.
- Adds disable windows-key function.
- Adds setting groups, setting group can be changed anytime.
- Adds copy paste support for keymap.
- Adds disable resize window option.
- Adds drag-drop support for config and song files.
2011-05-19 FreePiano 1.0
- New user interface.
- Supports for record and playback, supports reading LYT file format.
- Adds some status display.
- Adds record and playback button at main interface.